Crédit de l'oeuvre : Evi Keller, Matière-Lumière, ML-V-24-0613, (détail), 2024, technique mixte, 122 × 142 cm © Evi Keller.
"Like the goddess Persephone, daughter of Demeter, who had to cross the darkness to be reborn in the light of spring, Evi Keller reconnects with the buried memory of materials to lead her work towards the light. Matter-Light (…) unfolds in different mediums: sculptures, paintings, photographs, videos, sounds and performances. Like an alchemist, the artist transmutes and sublimates a vibrant material and engraves the spiritual in it: an embodied, immediate relationship is then created with her work that surrounds us like living skin. From then on, her creation, the very place of epiphanic apparitions, opens up to an "other" dimension and connects us to a "living cosmos", to use the expression of the anthropologist Edgar Morin. Her gesture subtly brings into play the body and the mind in resonance with a world in perpetual motion. (…)"
Fanny Revault, Art Interview, mars 2021, Lumière fossilisée, Mémoire fossilisée, extrait
The Evi Keller exhibition "Matière-Lumière" is organized at the Orangerie of the Maison Caillebotte from May 17 to August 31, 2025, in partnership with the Galerie Jeanne Bucher Jaeger.